Whitney Port Keynote!

Last Thursday, I had the privilege of attending keynote given by a USC alumnus, Whitney Port, presented by the USC career center and USC Spectrum.

Most of us knew Whitney from the MTV reality show The Hills. But ever since the show, like LC, she's made a lot of successes--from being a humanitarian to a designer who had launched a very successful clothing line. 

The keynote address was a short because more time was planned for Q&A's but I was really inspired by this video:


Since I in Alpha Phi Omega, which is a service fraternity. I was quite awed by the fact that so much could be done to help the community on a worldly bases through fashion!

Though I found the keynote address to be exciting, I've got to be honest. I wasn't too thrilled by her attitude when I lined up to take a picture with her and have the opportunity to discuss my blog and our mutual interests in fashion and serving the community... Maybe it was a tiring day for her.  


Upon A Hill Across The Blue Lake...


Indie Chic