I wear white after labor day.
In Monday's post, I mentioned that I went to Griffith Park for a hike. I just wanted to share that it was absolutely beautiful! It was a very trip up to the observatory, but once I got there, the hike was totally worth it. The view was breath-taking. I might do a shoot there sometimes :)
Look at this view!

If you've been following me on Twitter (@joanneinazoo), you probably know by now that I am the greatest Friends nut. EVER!
So, I was just casually scrolling through the millions of Friends tweet when I realized, Labor Day JUST PASSED! Do you remember that episode where Joey asked Rachel to help Charlie shop because everything she owned had shoulder pads in them? Joey said, "Yeah Rachel taught me everything I know about fashion, like 'you can't wear white after labor day.'" What is up with that? So I did some research.
According to Times, one of the reasons why this rule is created is because it's a symbol of summer's passing and the oncoming of fall. People wear light colors in the summer and darker colors during fall, and like I mentioned in the Sex and the City 2 review, Labor Day is like a pivotal day that transitions summer to fall, so it's like a symbolic day in which people change their dress from summer style to fall style. But there are rule breakers like CoCo Chanel, who totally just makes up her own rules, you can read more about her in my other post.
So I've decided to take on CoCo's rebellious spirit and wear white :)
Summer didn't exactly pass here in LA, it's practically summer "all-day errday" of the year!
