2013 Fashion Resolutions!
Happy 2013 Everybody!
Since it's already 2 days into the New Year, it's time to start making those resolutions.
I've recently read an article on one of my favs, whowhatwear, and it gave me a super good idea! Fashion resolutions! After all, this is a fashion blog :)
Here are the resolutions from whowhatwear:
1. Wear more color
This is an applicable resolution for me! Looking back on my wardrobe, I don't have a diverse color palette, so I really do need have more pops of color!
2. Shop within my budget
This won't make my list. I am very conscious of my spendings, and I rarely splurge. But it is something good to keep up!
3. Up the accessories game
Another one that won't be making it on my list. I LOVE accessories, ALL kinds. I feel like they're that period at the end of the sentence. I would always finish off my outfits with a necklace, bracelet or rings. But still, gotta up that game!
4. Take more fashion risks
Now that will be one that will definitely be on list! The foundation of valentinechic is built upon developing an alter ego of a Valentine Chic that will be trying on wild and exciting outfit that's out of Joanne's usual comfort zone. Well 2013 will be the perfect opportunity to take more of these risks!
5. Invest in Classics
I love classics! So that won't be on my list since I love going back in time for the simple looks :)
6. Upgrade my Office Wordrobe
Haha, wish it applies to me!

So here's a finalized list of Fashion-resolutions, some borrowed from whowhatwear, and some other new ones of my own!
Wear more color
Take more fashion risks
Blog more! And about more various topics.
With school, APO, sometimes it's hard to keep up. But with a new year and a new attitude, I'll be posting more!
Have more DIY posts
Of course, to be familiar with the fashion world, research is essential. That is why I get over 30 emails every morning all from my subscriptions. But I feel like that is hardly enough! This industry is so rapid and every changing, it's very important to stay in the game.
Attend more events.
That's all that I can think of for now! Come back tomorrow for a very exciting PR post :)